• This site is moving sometime in 2024 and this web page will close.
  • I have created a new page at nevillemaloney.com with improved layout.
  • It will take a while to get that page working properly so until the end of this year 2023 I will add updates here as well.
  • The new site is a http site not https and some browser settings might get upset so try another.
  • If the link does not work manually try entering http://nevillemaloney.com or just nevillemaloney.com

- A History of the Waughs -

The Waugh line from Thomas Waugh 1706 - 1783 & Margaret Johnston 1714 - 1789
The Australian Descendants

This website is about the Waugh family and the many lines that have resulted from the clan of Waugh's who lived in the Scottish border region around East Gordon, Berwickshire near the town of Kelso.

Descendants of Thomas Waugh 1630

The Book ("A History of the Waughs" a publication created as a result of reunions held in Australia in 1996.

Newsletters These Newsletters were initially correspondence betwwen Ron Main and the extended Waugh Family members who attdended the 1996 reunions, I have continued them since 2005 as an information broadcast.

Waugh Documents from the National Library in Canberra

A talk by Alec Waugh at a writers festival in Melbourne in 2009. He had just written the Book, Fathers and Sons, a biographical delight about the Waugh father and son relationships over 5 generations. (A recording from The Book Show on Radio National).

Historical Events

The John Oxley Connection - Oxley Family Information
James Orchard Oxley (John's Grandson a really interesting story)

Marie Everest's & Del Tate's Scooter Trip around Australia 1958

  • This site was started by me, Neville Maloney in Oct 2009
  • I can be contacted by
  • email: nevillemaloney@gmail.com
  • post: 15 Colin St, Bangalow 2479 NSW, Australia
  • Phone: 02 6687 2250 (International: +61 2 6687 2250)

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